NEW BOOK: Along the Way – The Grand Masters Book

Indiana Past Master Barry B.L. White, OSM, has just published a new reference work of great importance to Indiana Freemasons. Along the Way: The Grand Masters Book, is a comprehensive listing of the men who have served as Grand Master for the Grand Lodge F&AM of Indiana, from 1818 through 2021, with histories, photographs, biographies of each of these brethren.
Proceeds from his new book will benefit the new Bartholomew County Masonic Museum taking shape in Columbus.
The price is $43.00 ($35 + postage) and may be ordered directly from Barry at, or from the Masonic Library & Museum of Indiana.
Barry White served as Senior Warden of the Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research U.D. in 2019-21, a Past Master of Hartsville Lodge 547, and is currently serving as Master of Hope Lodge 150. He is the author of two other Masonic histories in Indiana: Hartsville Lodge No. 547: From the Past To the Future, and Steadfast Roots: A History of Freemasonry in Bartholomew County. In addition to his Masonic history books, Brother White has written several training books, one for Secretaries and one for Lodge Officers. The quarterly newsletter for Bartholomew County Lodges was his creation along with starting the Bartholomew County Past Masters Association. For his boundless dedication to Indiana Freemasonry, he was awarded the Order of Service to Masonry by the Grand Lodge F&AM of Indiana in May 2018.

‘Laudable Pursuit’ Audio Book Benefits Museum

The Masonic Library & Museum of Indiana would like to thank the creators of the Whence came You? podcast for generously donating the proceeds from the sale of the new audio book edition of Laudable Pursuit by the Knights of the North to us on an ongoing basis.


Originally released online in 2004 and in its final form in 2006, Laudable Pursuit has become a popular roadmap over the last decade and a half on how to attempt to change the course of Freemasonry. Countless lodges around the globe have adopted concepts from this booklet to reset their own practices and priorities.
• To purchase this audio book version, CLICK HERE.

For the back story behind the creation of this influential booklet, see the article on Chris Hodapp’s Freemasons For Dummies blog.

New in the Library – MSA Short Talk Bulletin Collection

The Masonic library and Museum of Indiana has just acquired a new six-volume collection of the Masonic Service Association’s Short Talk Bulletins.

The MSA has published a Short Talk Bulletin virtually every month since 1923. They were conceived in pre-internet days as a partial answer to the howls from Masons back in the 1920s and before—right up to today—who begged for Masonic education at their lodge meetings. If Masons wouldn’t do research themselves, and grand lodges published lousy newsletters and magazines, so the thinking went, at the very least the little STB always offered a monthly dose of ready made, discussion-provoking material. Today, the entire set is a treasure trove of knowledge on hundreds of topics, presented in more than 1,000 concise articles.

Our old collection of the original STBs was incomplete and hadn’t been updated in over a decade. Additionally, they took up three sets of shelves and were not indexed. The entire collection through 2016 has been freshly edited, typeset, and indexed by S. Brent Morris, editor of the Scottish Rite Journal. This makes them far more useful and accessible than ever before.