Indiana Masonic History Books

The Library is pleased to make available online the full text of several important histories pertaining to Indiana Freemasonry for the benefit of researchers.  These tomes are long out-of-print, but shed light on Freemasonry as it was practiced during Indiana’s first century.

Please note that these are in PDF format.  It is recommended that you right-click the links and download the files to your local computer, and read them locally.

The History of Freemasonry in Indiana, by Daniel McDonald (Historian of the Grand Lodge) – published 1898

A History of Masonry in Indianapolis, by William E. English (Centre 23; GM 1903-04) – published 1901

History of Raper Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar

Goodly Heritage: One Hundred Fifty Years of Freemasonry in Indiana, by Dwight L. Smith (1968).

The most comprehensive historical account ever written about the Freemasons in the state of Indiana. It was originally published in 1968 in conjunction with the 150th anniversary of the 1818 founding of the Grand Lodge of Indiana F&AM in Madison, and is widely considered to be the most authoritative historical reference work for the state’s fraternity. It contains a wealth of early photographs of historic lodges and influential men within the Masonic community, along with exhaustive reference lists of lodges, grand lodge officers, and more. This facsimile reprint ebook edition was authorized in 2018 in conjunction with the Grand Lodge’s Bicentennial celebration and through the assistance of the Masonic Library and Museum of Indiana, Inc.


Hardback edition $36.00 (20% off of $45 retail)

E-Book edition $1.99


Heritage Endures: Perspectives on Two Hundred Years of Indiana Freemasonry (2018) by Christopher L. Hodapp

Commissioned by the Grand Lodge for 2018, this new book (by the author of Freemasons For Dummies) is an updated chronicle of the Hoosier state’s unique Masonic history, especially examining the last 50 years, and other important events overlooked in the state’s earlier Masonic histories.

Now available in hardback only, directly from the Grand Lodge of Indiana’s Grand Secretary’s office ($25+shipping), from ($35), or at the author’s website HERE.


Indiana Past Master Barry B.L. White, OSM, has just published a new reference work of great importance to Indiana Freemasons. Along the Way: The Grand Masters Book, is a comprehensive listing of the men who have served as Grand Master for the Grand Lodge F&AM of Indiana, from 1818 through 2021, with histories, photographs, biographies of each of these brethren.Proceeds from his new book will benefit the new Bartholomew County Masonic Museum taking shape in Columbus.

The price is $43.00 ($35 + postage) and may be ordered directly from Barry at, or from the Masonic Library & Museum of Indiana. 

Barry White served as Senior Warden of the Dwight L. Smith Lodge of Research U.D. in 2019-21, a Past Master of Hartsville Lodge 547, and is currently serving as Master of Hope Lodge 150. He is the author of two other Masonic histories in Indiana: Hartsville Lodge No. 547: From the Past To the Future, and Steadfast Roots: A History of Freemasonry in Bartholomew County. In addition to his Masonic history books, Brother White has written several training books, one for Secretaries and one for Lodge Officers. The quarterly newsletter for Bartholomew County Lodges was his creation along with starting the Bartholomew County Past Masters Association. For his boundless dedication to Indiana Freemasonry, he was awarded the Order of Service to Masonry by the Grand Lodge F&AM of Indiana in May 2018.